Content Strategist (in-house)
Alongside a stellar in-house creative team, I brought the company's brand story to life across touchpoints, including app and web, blog, organic and paid social media content, and digital and OOH ads.
My role covered a wide range of responsibilities, including creative direction, creative project management, copywriting, website management, video production, recipe writing, occasional photography, and food styling. 
Here are a few examples of work I’ve produced:
Cook with Fire Campaign
I helped develop the "Cook with Fire" campaign's narrative, including a video that introduced the story behind one of the brand's fan-favorite dips, Crazy Feta. I wrote the script and collaborated with CAVA's videographer to interview, shoot, and produce the video.

As part of the same campaign, I helped the campaign show up in other touchpoints, including email, social, OOH, in-store signage, and more. 
Restaurant signage
Restaurant signage
Email campaign
Email campaign

OOH ads in the DC Metro

New Year Campaign
Forget New Year resolutions. This New Year, it's all about options and flavor. 
Fall Campaign
This campaign highlighted CAVA's flavor-filled oven-roasted fall vegetables.
Kid's Meal Campaign
To raise awareness of CAVA's kid's meal option, I collaborated with CAVA's in-house designers to create a fun, animated email. The email was featured on
In addition to taking part in creating the concept for this email and writing its copy, I also managed email segmentation, targeting, and tracking the campaign performance.

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